MCD strike: Arvind Kejriwal to announce solution to the ongoing problem


Arvind Kejriwal

The indefinite strike Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has entered the eighth consecutive day over non-payment of salaries.

In a tweet, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal said that he would find a solution to the ongoing MCD strike. Will announce at 3 pm. Hope it satisfies everyone and the strike ends.

As the strike blocked major Delhi roads, the government felt that the strike was politically motivated, adding that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Delhi health minister Satyendar Kumar Jain tweeted, “If salaries are paid up to the month of December what is the need for a strike.” He blamed the BJP for doing politics and misleading the people.

The contractors of New Delhi Municipal Corporation and East Delhi Municipal Corporation have shown their support to the strike. They have also threatened to stop all ongoing works of the two municipal corporations from 10 February if their demands are not met.