Law Commission To Recommend Abolition Of Death Penalty


suicide-hanging-ropeAmid the much debate on death penalty, the law commission is set to recommend abolition of death penalty in India. The commission, as per reports, has prepared a 272-page draft report that has been circulated among its members and will likely to be submitted to the government next week.

The recommendation, however, makes exception for those convicted of involvement in terror cases. The report of the Law Commission was in favour of speedy abolition of the death penalty from the statute books, except in cases where the accused is convicted of involvement in a terror case, the Indian Express reported.

The are 60-odd countries in the world where their respective court still award capital punishment. The final report is likely to be submitted to the government by Monday i.e. on August 31 when the term of the Commission ends. The present law of the death penalty was laid down in Bachan Singh v. UOI (1980), when the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the penalty.


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