Congress wanted to show its strength to BJP by hanging Afzal Guru: Kamini Jaiswal


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    • Supreme court admits that there is not direct or indirect evidence for Afzal Guru’s involvement in the parlimentry attack. Please read the judgement copy properly. It says clearly, though there is no evidence, the judge is giving death sentence to satisfy the majority community of India.

  1. supreme ! Coat! (court), on facts, so that none can see the reality.

    Ah, supremecourt of india gives its verdict, after watching a film. They dont even bother to undust the important documents pertaining to the case.
    Hasent it made supreme court mere a judgement seat of illusions, pressuregroups and pippet biased judjes and other machinary.

  2. Did anybody say Afzal was NOT involved in the case? Suddenly we forget that the Supreme court had found enough evidence which showed that he was a key conspirator.

    He may not have been a gunman. But in case he was part of a scheme where the PM and the entire cabinet as well as MPs were to be killed then he deserves the death.

    Even Kamini does NOT say he was innocent. She is only bothered about the quantum of punishment.


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