Former BJP member Sudheendra Kulkarni, has said that, he is an agent of peace between India and Pakistan; this comes just a day after a group of Shiv Sena wokers smeared his face with black paint, and called him a “Pakistani agent”.
Speaking during a press conference, Kulkari said, “I am certainly an agent, but not of Pakistan, but of peace between India and Pakistan in South Asia.”
With the hope that the Shiv Sena will respect his right to express his freedom of speech, Kulkarni said, “it has been PM Modi’s effort from day one to improve relations with our South Asian neighbours.”
Kulkarni further added that he respects the freedom of speech of Shiv Sena and its mouthpiece, Saamna.
“I hope they respect others’ freedom of speech too,” he added.
Ahead of the book release organised by the Observer Researsh Foundation at Nehru Center in Central Mumbai, Shiv Sainiks attacked and smeared with black paint, Sudheendra Kulkarni’s face.
The book being launched was former Pakistan foreign minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri’s ‘Neither a Hawk nor a Dove: An Insider’s Account of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy’.