After being denied a business class seat, Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad, who was travelling from Pune to New Delhi, allegedly hit an Air India employee with a slipper.
A team has been formed to investigate into the matter, an Air India spokesperson said. Meanwhile, admitting to hitting an Air India staff, an unapologetic Gaikwad justified his act by saying, “He misbehaved with me. I had paid for a business class ticket. But I was sent to economy class. This is not the first time.”
The MP lost his cool after an argument between him and the AI staff after Gaikwad demanded to know why he was not allotted a business class seat which he had asked for.
“I complained several times, but no action was taken,” he said.
The AI staffer told Gaikwad that he gave him an economy class seat as the business class was full. At this, Gaikwad hit the AI staffer with a slipper.
Meanwhile, Shiv Sena party spokesperson Manisha Kayande said, “Whatever happened was unfortunate. We will speak to Gaikwad and try to find out what went wrong. The matter will be taken up by our party chief Uddhav Thackeray.”
BJP leader Shaina NC said, “Such acts should be condemned. One should not take law into their own hands.”